Magic Leap 2 Operations Manual
An informational guide to get you quickly and safely started with your new device.
Getting Started
Supported Releases
Unsupported Releases
NOTE: The Magic Leap 2 Operations Manual (the “Manual) is intended to aid Magic Leap’s healthcare partners (each, a “MLHP” and, collectively, “MLHPs”) in the development of its own instructions for use (IFUs) for applications developed by such MLHP for use on the Magic Leap 2 device. This Manual is solely for the benefit of MLHPs and should not be shared with any MLHP customer(s) in its current form.
MLHPs are expected to create their own instructions for use (IFUs) to be shared with its customers, which should only include portions of the Magic Leap 2 Operations Manual that are relevant to its specific use cases.
Magic Leap 2 device users should only rely on documentation specific to your healthcare-related use case.